Smuggler Films, the new production outfit run by Brian Carmody, John N. Hart and Patrick Milling Smith, is to remake French thriller Rapt which tells the story of the 1978 kidnapping of Baron Edouard-Jean Empain, heir to the Empain Schneider dynasty. The US version will be retitled Abduction.
The French film, which has been nominated for a best film Cesar, is directed by Lucas Belvaux and stars Yvan Attal.
“Rapt is a high stakes thriller propelled by multiple agendas that could not be more timely. It has it all: kidnapping, mistresses, the avarice of corporate culture and the tabloid exposure of a family living a lie. Lucas Belvaux’s original is a film that does not take the easy route with any of its narratives and unflinchingly honest characters and we are left the richer for that,” said Milling Smith in a statement.
Smuggler has in development a film of the novel The White Tiger which Hanif Kureishi will adapt as well as a film of The Princess’ Gangster to be written by Louis Mellis.
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