UK distributor Soda Pictures has picked up rights to Laurent Cantet's HeadingSouth (Vers le Sud) andChristoffer Boe's Allegro. Both deals were struck withsales company Celluloid Dreams.
Soda said that it bought Heading South after its London Film Festivalshowing, and that it had considered Allegroas a potential acquisition since the script stage (the distributor previouslyreleased Boe's debut film Reconstruction.)
Heading South is set in 1970s Haiti, exploring the sexual and political issues of thetime through the stories of North American women seeking the affection of localmen. Charlotte Rampling stars.
EveGabereau, managing director of Soda Pictures, saidthat the film was a good fit for Soda "becauseit is by such a wonderful director and has such a provocative storyline, withthe edginess of Fatih Akin'sHead-On and the compassion of [Cantet's earlier films] TimeOut and Human Resources. CharlotteRampling is fabulous as the femme fatale."
Allegro isa sci-fi love story starring Helena Christensen and Ulrich Thomsen. The filmpremiered in Venice and has been selected for the world cinema dramaticcompetition at Sundance 2006. "We think Boe is agreat talent," said Garbereau.
Soda plans a June or July 2006release for Heading South and a Septemberrelease for Allegro.
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