Spanishsales house Sogepaq has inked a deal with local producer Tesela to handle internationalsales and domestic video on five new and in-development features
Includedin that five are two films that will be unveiled in the upcoming festivalseason. Among them is Venice Days screener The Wind (El Viento) from director Eduardo Mignogna. This Argentina-set drama stars actinglegend Federico Luppi.
Theother is Alberto Rodriguez's rite-of-passage drama 7 Virgins (7 Virgenes), which plays in both Toronto's Discovery section andin San Sebastian's Official Competition.
Theremaining three titles are:
* the co-productionElsa & Fred that is currently inArgentina's top five in its second week on release there through Sony Pictures;
* the now-in-production drama Dark Blue, CloseTo Black (Azul Oscuro, Casi Negro) from award-winning short film director Daniel Sanchez Arevalo;
* andSanti Amodeo's Dog's Head (CabezaDe Perro), a follow-up to his criticalhit Astronauts that is indevelopment for a 2006 shoot.
BothSogepaq (a Sogecable company) and Tesela, launched in 1998 by producer JoseAntonio Felez, are backed by the media group Prisa.
Sogepaqpreviously handled international sales on Tesela title Roma. Tesela has a standing arrangement in Spain withAlta Films for theatrical distribution on its productions.
"This package of films fitsperfectly with our slate of quality arthouse titles with potential forfestivals and markets," said Sogepaq's director of production and internationalSimon de Santiago. "We like Tesela's films and feel these five portray a varietyof interesting directors and styles."
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