Denmark's Trust Film Sales has struck an output deal with prolific Swedish production and distribution outfit Sonet.
The deal hatched on the eve of last month's AFM gives Trust, part of Denmark's Zentropa Entertainment empire, two more titles to add to its Cannes list. First up will be Home Sour Home, (Hem Ijuva Hem), a family drama about a 13 year old boy by Asian director Dan Ying. Billed as Sweden's answer to Once Were Warriors, the film stars Michael Nyqvist and Alexandra Rapaport, the film went on release in Sweden on March 9.
Sonet will also deliver comedy Making Babies (Hans Og Hennes), by Daniel Lind Lagerlof director of Swedish hit Breaking Out. The film, which last month won the Canal Plus Nordic Script Prize for Malin Lagerlof's screenplay, is the story of a desperate couple, who go to great lengths to have a child.
Sonet has recently enjoyed great success as a distributor handling films including Jalla! Jalla! and Together (Tillsammans) both produced by Memfis Film. Trust sold both films internationally.
Trust's Cannes market slate will also be expanded by two new Dogme films; En Kaerlighedshistorie (working title Love Story), by director Ole Christian Madsen from producer Nimbus Film and Truly Human by Ake Sandgren from Zentropa.
The slate is likely to be filled out with Morlang, a drama based on a true story of a man who tricks his wife into committing suicide. Produced by The Netherlands' Phanta Vision, the film is directed by Tjebbo Penning and stars Paul Freeman, Diana Kent, and Susan Lynch.
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