Sony Pictures Classics (SPC) has picked up North American rightsto Eugene Jarecki's Sundance Grand Jury Prize winning documentary Why WeFight, for which it plansa late 2005 release.
The film explores the seeds of American imperialism andthe military-industrial complex, citing the example of modern campaigns to advancethe theory that America's economic survival relies upon a state of constantwar.
A distinguished interview roster includes Senator John McCain,author Gore Vidal, author and former CIA operative Chalmers Johnson, and formerBush Administration advisor Richard Perle.
"I wanted to conduct a reasoned explanation of the history of USforeign policy leading to where we are today," Jarecki told ScreenDaily.
"Forty years after President Eisenhower warned in his departingspeech that the military-industrial complex was acquiring unwarranted influenceover American life and foreign policy, we find ourselves with a defencecontractor literally sitting at the shoulder of the President - and unfoldingwars as far as the eye can see."
Bemoaning media monopolies and the increasing corporatisation ofthe Press, Jarecki added: "Documentaries are filling a void left by the tragiccollapse of contemporary journalism."
"This is an extraordinary film about the evolution of the power ofthe military industrial complex," SPC co-presidents Michael Barker and TomBernard said in a joint statement.
Why We Fight was produced by Jarecki and SusannahShipman, with Roy Ackerman, Nick Fraser and Hans Robert Eisenhauer serving asexecutive producers.
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