Spanish film Football Days (Dias De Futbol) opened strong on its first weekend with a three-day gross of Euros 879,354 from 200 prints through Buena Vista International. The film marks the directorial debut of the screenwriter of last year's local hit The Other Side Of The Bed (El Otro Lado De La Cama), David Serrano, and stars several of the same popular young actors.
Buena Vista says Days took in 65% more in its first weekend than Bed did when it opened April 9, 2002. It also called the film the third biggest local opening this year following runaway hit Mortadelo & Filemon, The Big Adventure and Moscow Gold. These are now the year's two top-grossing local films with, respectively, Euros 21.6m and Euros 4.7m cumulative, while BVI's Bed was number one last year with Euros 12.2m cumulative.
Days and Bed were both co-produced by Telespan 2000 and Telecinco's production arm Estudios Picasso. Days stars Ernesto Alterio, Alberto San Juan, Natalia Verbeke and Maria Esteve in the story of a group of neighbourhood friends trying to recapture the glory of their younger days by forming a local football team.
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