Spanish film Football Days (Dias De Futbol), heir in both behind- and in front of camera talent to last year's top local hit in Spain, The Other Side Of The Bed (El Otro Lado De La Cama), improved its performance over its second weekend. Through BVI on a steady 200 prints, the film took in just over Euros 1m, up from its first weekend gross of Euros 879,354.
Football Days ranked second for the weekend behind UIP's The Italian Job, whose co-stars Charlize Theron and Mark Wahlburg travelled to last week's Donostia-San Sebastian International Film Festival to promote the film. The Italian Job earned Euros 1.2m off 260 prints.
Other new releases from San Sebastian didn't fare so well. BVI's Veronica Guerin took in Euros 236,851 off 152 prints, ranking ninth. Local titles Noviembre (November) and The Galindez File (El Misterio Galindez) ranked 15th and 18th respectively, with weekend grosses of Euros 149,943 off 74 screens and Euros 112,053 of 128 screens.
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