Pilar Suero and Juan Pinzas, the producer-director team behind Spain's first official Dogme film, Once Upon Another Time (Erase Otra Vez), are preparing two new Dogme feature films.
First up is Although The Bride Wears Silk (Aunque La Novia Se Vista De Seda), planned for a September shoot. Described as an 'acid social drama,' the film is likely to star at least part of the young, mostly unknown Spanish cast from last year's Another Time. The next project, The Ending (El Desenlace), is in early stages of development and planned for an April 2002 shoot. The projects will complete a planned trilogy of Spanish-language films adhering to the Dogme manifesto's bare-bones film-making guidelines, according to producer Suero of Atlantico Films. As with Another Time, Pinzas will script and direct both films. Suero is seeking international co-producers in Cannes.
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