The Spanish film sector had one of its strongest years in over a decade in 1999 according to Spanish producers association FAPAE's annual report. Spain produced 82 features during the year - the second highest number in 15 years. Of these, 74 obtained theatrical distribution, the second highest level in 12 years.
In addition, Spanish audiences turned out in record-breaking droves for both domestic and international films in 1999. Admissions surged to 130 million, the highest number since 1983. Spanish films cornered a strong 14% of the market, the highest percentage of the decade, and brought in more than $66.7m (PTS11,000m) in ticket sales, up 38% from the previous year.
FAPAE also found that fewer imported films were released in Spain in 1999: 397 compared to 436 in 1998. The US accounted for 216 of these and the EU for 164.
The report also found that 46 of Spain's 62 active production companies produced just one film each, while 10 companies produced up to five and only six outfits produced more than five films last year. Budgets increased slightly to an average $1.8m (PTS300m).
FAPAE has also unveiled its new web-site - - which includes information about the Spanish production sector and contact listings for other media organisations, associations and governmental offices. The web-site should be up and running in two weeks' time.
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