All Special Screening articles – Page 6
Chelsea On The Rocks
Dir. Abel Ferrara. US. 2008. 88minsThe Chelsea hotel in New York has a global reputation as the place where artists go to enhance their notoriety. Dylan Thomas slid into alcoholic oblivion from a room at the Chelsea. Sid Vicious’s girlfriend Nany Spungen died there and its ...
Dir: Marco Tullio Giordana. Italy-France. 2008. 148mins .A grandly-mounted but turgid prestige piece, Wild Blood attempts to give tragic heft to the lives of two of Italian cinema’s more disreputable figures. Writer-director Marco Tullio Giordana won considerable kudos in 2003 with The Best Of Youth, but ...
Of Time And The City
Dir: Terence Davies.UK. 2008. 74mins.Over the decades many accomplished directors have created cinematic odes to cities dear to their hearts. Berlin (Walter Ruttmann, from the silent era); Paris (Je T’Aime, particularly Alexander Payne’s segment), and Rome (Fellini). But Liverpool’ You have to hand it to Terence ...
Indiana Jones And The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
Dir: Steven Spielberg. US. 2008. 123mins.
The Chaser (Chugyeogja)
Dir: Na Hong-Jin.South Korea. 2008. 123mins.Already a major hit inKoreaand set for a remake with Warner Bros, this bloody, frenetic serial killer thriller should keep themidnightscreening crowd happy, especially inAsia. Na Hong-jin’s promising but over-long debut is reminiscent of Bong Joon-ho’s highly-regarded Memories Of Murder and ...
It's Hard Being Loved By Jerks (C'est Dur D'etre Aime Par Des Cons)
Dir. Daniel Leconte. 2008.France. 119 minsFreedom of speech and freedom of the press versus religious grievances are explored to edifying effect in It’s Hard Being Loved By Jerks. This lively, intelligently-structured documentary chronicles the suit brought by Muslim organisations against French satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo after ...