IFP/Los Angelesis partnering with online DVD rental service Netflix to make all titlesnominated today (30) for next February's Independent Spirit Awards accessibleto voting members.
Netflix andIFP/Los Angeles have created an official Members Viewing Site, inviting studiosto take part in a service that offers filmmakers - whose pictures are oftenwithout distributor - a valuable way of ensuring their pictures are seen byvoting IFP members.
"We have wantedfor years to find a way to get screeners into the hands of our members sincemany of the Spirit Award films have been shown only in festivals or in limitedrelease," Dawn Hudson, executive director of IFP/Los Angeles, said in astatement.
"Netflix, intheir generous support of independent filmmakers, has provided us with thesolution.'
"Netflix canmake screening nominated films easier and more convenient for IFP members byleveraging our unique technology and distribution systems," Netflix's chiefcontent officer Ted Sarandos added.
"Netflix hasbecome an important distribution outlet for independent films and is pleased tohave the opportunity to support IFP members and the films nominated forIndependent Spirit Awards."
Nominees will beannounced today and the ceremony is scheduled to take place on the beach inSanta Monica one day before the Academy Awards on Feb 26.
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