Sony Pictures Releasing International (SPRI) has finalised key releasedates for Capote, which earned five Oscar nominations last week andgets its international premiere at the Berlin Film Festival on Feb 17.
The picture will open in Italy, Switzerland, Poland and New Zealand onFeb 18, followed by Australia, the UK, Spain, Brazil, Finland and Sweden on Feb23 and 24. Germany follows on Mar 2 and France on Mar 8.
"There has been great anticipation internationally since Capote's criticallyacclaimed debut in Toronto but we made the decision to hold the film for aEuropean premiere at the prestigious Berlinale," SPRI's senior vicepresident of marketing Sal Ladestro said.
"Serendipitously, the film launches with an impressive host ofBAFTA and Academy Award nominations."
Oscar nominated director Bennett Miller will fly into Berlin for thepremiere, along with co-nominees Philip Seymour Hoffman and Catherine Keener.Clifton Collins Jr, who plays Perry Smith in the film, will also be inattendance.
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