France's annual reducedticket-price scheme, Printemps Du Cinema, drew 12% fewer moviegoers than lastyear, according to the National Cinema Federation (FNCF).
The scheme, which ran from Sundaythrough to Tuesday, brought in 2.2 million admissions at 5,300 participatingtheaters across the country. That is double the number of admissions in thesame period during the previous week.
"The 12% dropcompared to last year, which was the best score since the operation began in2000, is a good result given that Sunday's summer-like weather meant people gotto the movies late, " said the FNCF.
While the overallfigures are the second lowest in the event's six year run, Paris cinemas soldmore tickets than in any of the previous editions.
Films which faredthe best included Will Smith vehicle, Hitch, French comedy, Tout PourPlaire, and Gerard Jugnot's Boudu.
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