D Brian Spruill has beennamed vice president and general manager of worldwide sales operations andmarketing for Kodak's Entertainment Imaging division.
His role includescoordinating the work of four strategic product groups and the company'sworldwide sales and marketing operation.
Spruill has held a number ofsales, marketing and strategic planning management posts since joining Kodak in1972. Most recently he served as vice president and director of strategicplanning.
In addition Kodak hasappointed Robert J Mayson, William Tompkins, Bertrand Decoux and William BDoeren to lead four integrated strategic product groups spanning production,presentation and asset protection.
Mayson has been named vicepresident/general manager of worldwide origination products and Decoux becomesvice president/general manager of worldwide entertainment imaging services.
Tompkins has been named vicepresident/general manager of worldwide print and distribution products, whileDoeren is vice president/general manager of worldwide digital cinema services.
"They are a talented andexperienced management team that is dedicated to working together insynergistic ways," Eric G Rodli, president of Kodak's Entertainment Imagingdivision, said in a statement.
"The overarching message isthat we are investing in the future." Mayson has held a range of management andstrategic planning positions with the Entertainment Imaging Division in Europeand the United States, most recently as general manager of the CinemaOperations Group.
Prior to his appointment,Decoux was director and vice president of strategic planning and businessdevelopment.
Tompkins joined theEntertainment Imaging Division as chief marketing officer and vice president in2000. In his new role, he will also oversee the manufacturing and supply chainoperations.
Doeren's role overseeingKodak's digital cinema initiatives was announced earlier this year. He has ledthe development of the Kodak Digital Cinema Operating System that is now beingmarketed for digital pre-show application.
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