The film, based on a script by Shawn Riopelle and Maxwell McGuire, tells the story of a man stricken with cystic fibrosis who is tasked with taking his friend’s ashes to a healing shrine in Mexico.

The cast includes this year’s best actor Oscar nominee Demian Bichir, Max Thieriot, Laurence Laboeuf, Juliette Lewis and Thomas Dekker.

Foreverland is a film from the heart,” Trish Dolman, who produced alongside Christine Haebler, said. “It’s been a labour of love for Maxwell, who has cystic fibrosis and spoke to me personally. That’s why 20% of net proceeds go to CF charity.”

Shot in and around British Columbia and Mexico, the film will screen on Feb 10 and Feb 11 at the Berlinale.
