Beyond HD, a two-day film and TV conference on Feb 26 and 27, will host seminars, panels and workshops about how filmmakers can best use digital formats, including 3D.

The conference will be held at London film and TV college Ravensbourne and is sponsored by the Skillset Film Fund, as part of the UK Film Skills Strategy A Bigger Future 2.

Speakers will include Joanna Hogg, who shot her acclaimed film Archipelago on digital; and cinematographers Tim Palmer (who shot the Road to Coronation Street on the Canon Mark 2 Digital SLR) and Gavin Finney BSC (Hogfather, St Trinian’s).

“The concept of shooting in HD has begun to move on to data capture at even higher resolutions,” says Finney. ” HD will be just one of many standards, from cinema to the internet to the iPad, that can be delivered from one high-resolution data stream.”

Directors and producer Bruce Webb (The be all and end all) will be among those presenting the pro-film view. “I like to shoot on film as it is already HD and has been developed over 100 years,” he says.

Other experts on hand will include LipSync head of post Kevin Phelan and cinematogrpaher Tim Palmer.

Also, The Foundry will present STORM, which is used in RED Camera workflows.

Neil Peplow, Skillset’s Director of Film explains why Skillset is supporting the conference: “Beyond HD is an excellent and timely response to one of the most pressing skills needs that has emerged for the UK film industry in recent years.”

More information can be found at