French sales house WildBunch will go into Berlin and AFM buoyed by a raft of strong sales followinglast week's Rendez-Vous De Paris market.
Its biggest seller wasPierre Salvadori's Apres Vous. The film was sold to Crystal Films forCanada, Alta Films for Spain, Audiovisual for Greece, IIF for Italy, Atalantafor Portugal, Cinema Mondo for Finland, Hollywood Classics for the CzechRepublic and Slovakia, Central Partnership for Russia, Independenta forRomania, Shani Films for Israel, Umut Sanat for Turkey, Jaguar for the MiddleEast, Alpha for Argentina, Gussi for Mexico, Delta for Bolivia, Ecuador andPeru, Sharmill for Australia and HBO took "Pan-Sat right in Latin America. Thecompany said that it was holding four major offers from Germany and had stronginterest from Scandinavia, the UK and the US.
Gilles Bourdos' slow-burnthriller Anxiety (Inquietude) was another big seller. It waspicked up by Seville for Canada, LNK for Portugal, Vega for Russia, United Kingfor Israel, Quality Films for Mexico, Batiya for Colombia and Pa Dora forCroatia and Slovenia.
Pascal Plisson's Africa-set Masai: The Rain People was sold to Comstock and Nippon Herald for Japan,Dendy for Australia, Optimum for the UK, Rosebud for Greece, New Age forPortugal, Best Hollywood for Hungary, Artcam for the Czech Republic andSlovakia, Maywin for Russia, and TVA for Canada.
Innocence, the first full-length feature by LucileHadzihalilovic, director of the celebrated mid-length picture La Bouche DeJean Paul , was sold to Kinetic for Japan, Seville for Canada, New Age forPortugal and Pa Dora for Croatia. The film was previously titled L'Ecole.
Frederic Fonteyne's LaFemme De Gilles was sold to Lucky Red for Italy and United King for Israel.
Damien Odoul's Le Delugewas sold to Crystal for Canada and Tartan Films for the UK.
Yann Moix' Podium wassold to Cinema Nova for Mexico. Isabelle Brous' Tout Le Plaisir and NobodyIs Perfect , a documentary on extreme sexuality, were also picked up byCrystal for Canada while Frenetic took Austrian rights on Masai inaddition to the Swiss rights it has to the Wild Bunch slate under the terms ofits output deal. The package was also sold to Belgium's Paradiso Entertainmentunder another output agreement.
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