The story follows a young underworld figure (Tsumabuki) who promises to track down a hit man for his boss. When he can't locate the assassin, he tricks a third-rate actor (Sato) into playing the role for a film that doesn't exist. The cast also includes Eri Fukatsu (Monkey Magic), Haruka Ayase (upcoming films Hero and Cyborg Girl) and comedy veteran Toshiyuki Nishida.
An entire neighbourhood will be constructed on three lots at Toho's Kinuta studios for the project. The football field sized set will be the largest ever built in Japan.
Mitani wrote and directed last year's hotel ensemble comedy megahit Suite Dreams, which also featured Sato and Nishida. Produced by Fuji TV and released by Toho on January 14 of last year, Suite Dreams earned $50.3m (Y6.08bn) at the box office, going on to become the most successful comedy in Japanese history.
The Magic Hour is slated for a 2008 release.
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