Summit Entertainment has added The Jacket, a new film from Mandalay Pictures to its sales slate. Mark Wahlberg is attached to star in the lead role of the drama which is the first US film from the UK's John Maybury (Love Is The Devil).
A co-production between Mandalay and Section Eight, the Warner-based production outfit of Steven Soderbergh and George Clooney, the film will be distributed domestically by Warner Bros, although it is unclear as yet whether it will go through Warner's main distribution organisation or a specialised division should the studio opt to create one this year.
Wahlberg, who has become associated with blockbusters such as The Italian Job, Planet Of The Apes and The Perfect Storm, stars in the intimate drama about a clairvoyant man wrongly convicted of murder who must use his abilities to discover who has framed him by shifting in and out of different realities, time and frames of mind to solve the mystery and prevent his own execution.
The film was originally written by Marc Rocco (Murder In The First) and had at various times Rocco and Antoine Fuqua attached to direct, although it has now been recrafted as a smaller film. A new draft of the screenplay has been written by Massy Tadjedin (Leo).
Soderbergh, Clooney and Peter Guber will produce the film which will start once Wahlberg has finished his stint in David O Russell's ensemble comedy I Love Huckabees opposite Jude Law, Dustin Hoffman and Catherine Deneuve.
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