American Gunco-producer Ted Kroeber has been named the recipient of the 2005 Mark SilvermanFellowship for New Producers at the fifth annual Producers Brunch at Sundance.
Kroeber will receive a $5,000 cash grant to be used in pre-production and willbenefit from the services of an advisory committee of five workingprofessionals throughout his Fellowship year.
Kroeber is co-producing the drama American Gun with Forest Whitaker and his Spirit DanceEntertainment, which is currently in post-production.
His current project is Four Sheets To The Wind, which centres on a Native American man who fleesthe reservation to live in the city following his father's suicide.
The project was written and will be directed by Sterlin Harjo and was developedat the 2003 Screenwriters Lab and 2004 Filmmakers Lab.
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