The Sundance Institute has announcedthe eight filmmakers and their projects for its annual Documentary Film Editingand Story Laboratory, which runs from Jun 23-30.
The 2006 Documentary FilmEditing and Story Laboratory Fellows are Maria Teresa Larrain (director) andRicardo Acosta (editor) with The Trial Of Pascual Pichun (Chile); Senain Kheshgi and Geeta Patel (directors)and Billy McMillin (editor) with Project Kashmir (US); Aaron Matthews (director and editor) with ThePaper (US); and Shari Robertson and MichaelCamerini (directors) with My American Dream (US).
The projects were selectedunder the leadership of Cara Mertes, the incoming director of the DocumentaryFilm Programme.
The eight Fellows willdevelop their projects with the help of six award-winning documentarians servingas creative advisors, namely Kate Amend, Jean-Philippe Boucicaut, RichardHankin, Mary Lampson, Carlos Bolado, and Anne Makepeace.
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