Megan Ellison is venturing into virtual reality and has formed the joint venture with artist Chris Milk, whose Evolution Of Verse premieres in Sundance this week. will provide audio-video technology, craftsmen and crew to a select handful of film-makers eager to push boundaries in content creation.
Evolution Of Verse (pictured) premieres in the New Frontier section in Park City and will serve as the first piece to come out of the partnership. It is described on the official Sundance website as “a photo-realistic CGI-rendered 3-D virtual reality film that takes the viewer on a journey from beginning to new beginning.”
The art installation is being presented by Digital Domain 3.0 and will be available to the public via the VRSE app, which will be available from January 23 in the Apple and Android app stores.
“Megan has the most vision and foresight of any producer working in cinema today,” said Milk. “I’m humbled and honoured to be exploring the virtual reality medium alongside her. We can’t wait to help our fellow film-makers write a completely new storytelling language.”
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