Twohigh-profile Sundance premieres bookend the 32nd Annual Seattle

InternationalFilm Festival (SIFF), with Neil Berger's period drama

TheIllusionist opening and Michel Gondry's The ScienceOf Sleep

closingthe event.

Programmershave picked 419 features and shorts including 19 world premieres for the 25-dayevent, which runs from May 25 to Jun18.

Amongthe world premieres are Jordan Albertsen's youth drama The Standard, Andrew McAllister's bittersweet meditation on teenage life in UrbanScarecrow, and Kristian St Clair's jazz profile This Is GaryMcFarland.

Thisyear's line-up includes a spotlight on Danish and Hong Kong cinema, new workfrom filmmakers under 18 and a strand on experimental cinema.

For more details visit the official website at