London-based filmproduction, sales and distribution company SwipeFilms has signed a two-film deal with Shoreline Entertainment, acquiring Earthlings and Real Time.
AlexandreO. Philippe's Earthlings is afeature-length documentary about Star Trek fans and the KlingonLanguage Institute.
Fabrizio Prada's Real Time (Tiempo real) is aMexican crime thriller shot in one continuous take on a single camera, withoutcuts, winning it a place in the Guinness Book of World Records.
"Earthlings is afascinating and often amusing documentary that explores the Trekkiephenomenon and its bizarre Star Trek conventions," said Swipe's managingdirector Frank Mannion. "We hope that Earthlings will appeal to Trekkies and non-Trekkiesalike."
Mannionand Swipe's head of acquisitions Francesca Harris negotiated the deal withBrian Sweet of Shoreline Entertainment.
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