The SydneyFilm Festival (SFF) is to hold a major review of its activities, including areassessment of it dates and venues.
The movefollows news that both president Cathy Robinson and general manager JenniferNaughton have stepped down.
"The festival has to finditself a position of prominence in the hectic international film festivalcalendar, and in the national and regional scene," board member Mark Safartytold "It needs to find its place beside Pusan andMelbourne in the Asia Pacific, become more professional, and capitalise onSydney's position as one of the region's most iconic cities."
He added: "One of the greatchallenges is to find or create a festival precinct that gives the event avisible focus and gives festival patrons ease of access."
Safarty was complimentaryabout Robinson's achievements during her five-year tenure. She greatly improvedfinancial and administrative accountability, he said, oversaw the relocation tomodern offices in the heart of Sydney, increased support from the NSWGovernment, introduced more flexible ticketing, and well managed the transitionfrom previous director Gayle Lake to Lynden Barber.
"This year was our first withLynden as artistic director and the festival was a very popular success. We nowhave to augment and consolidate that success," said Safarty.
Jacqui Feeney, chiefexecutive officer of the company that owns pay TV channel World Movies, hastaken over from Robinson in an acting capacity. She has been on the festivalboard for five years and is tipped to take over from Robinson full time.
The festival review will beconducted by outside consultants.
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