Jury chairman and formerPalme D'Or winner Quentin Tarantino confirmed yesterday that Cannes would hosta special screening of Kill Bill in its entirety. Kill Bill Vols 1and 2 in a so-called Japanese edit (complete with intermission) will screen onthe final night of the festival, shortly after his jury has come to its finalconclusion.
At the jury pressconference, Tarantino was as entertaining as any of his films, with anelaborate recreation of how he caused a "famous" brawl with security guards("red bowtie guys") back in 1992 when Reservoir Dogs played out ofcompetition. The punch-up involving Tarantino, his girlfriend at the time andfive security guards (by the director's estimation) came about after he wasrefused entry to fellow juror Benoit Poelvoorde's film Man Bites Dog, "Iwasn't famous then, but this fight was," he added,
If the press conference wasanything to go by, debate between Tarantino and his jurors Tilda Swinton, TsuiHark, Kathleen Turner, Emmanuelle Beart, Jerry Schatzberg, Peter Von Bagh,Edwige Danticat and Benoit Poelvoorde will be lively. While they allrhapsodised about how heavenly it was to adjudicate together on the 18 moviesin competition, debate quickly broke out over the answer to Hollywood'sdominance in the global marketplace. But, as 1994 Palm d'Or winner (for PulpFiction) Tarantino said: "It's just gonna fall down to whether we like themovie. Politics be damned."
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