TF1 International has pickedup the new film by in-form French director Patrice Leconte.
While finishing his Berlincompetition film Intimate Strangers(Confidences Intimes), Leconteshot Dogora, a voyage throughCambodia. The intensely personal picture uses an imaginary language throughoutand boasts powerful music by Etienne Perruchon, a renowned composer in thetheatre.
Warner Bros will release thefilm in France, following an arrangement by producers Epithete with the Frenchbranch of the major.
TF1 International, whichhandles the film in other territories will screen a 15 minute promo at thisweek's American Film Market in Santa Monica. Delivery is scheduled for Springthis year.
On The Last Trapper, Nicolas Vannier's documentary feature about a nearextinct species, men at one with nature, TF1 secured a deal with GagaCommunications for Japan. Other deals include Mikado for Italy, Christal Filmsfor Canada and Films De L'Elysees for Belgium.
The firm is also handlingone of the biggest French films of the year, Spy Bound, by director Frederic Schoendoerffer, which will bedistributed in France on 31 March. Starring Vincent Cassel and Monica Bellucci,the espionage thriller has been sold to Comstock for Japan, Mikado for Italy,MFI for Korea, Films De L'Elysees for Belgium, Alpha for Brazil, Golden Villagefor Singapore, Nontanund for Thailand and Ascot Elite for Switzerland. Thecompleted film gets its AFM premiere today.
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