The Island crossed $100m through Warner Bros PicturesInternational (WBPI) following an estimated $9.7m weekend haul on more than4,500 screens in 48 markets that raised the running total to $101.6m.
The picture was expected torank number one in Italy on $1.7m including previews and 216,700 admissionsfrom 332 screens.
It also opened top in Greeceon $506,000 including previews and 61,350 admissions from 73, and top in Swedenon $320,600 and nearly 30,000 admissions from 88.
The Island was expected to stay top in France on $2.2m and280,840 admissions from 640 for a $6.9m running total. The sci-fi adventurestands at $7.7m in the UK after three weekends, and continued to rank numberone in Mexico on $5.2m after the same amount of time.
After four weekends Spainhas grossed $8.1m and Germany stands at $7.6m, while South Korea has generatedan outstanding $20.9m after six.
Charlie And The ChocolateFactory added $7.7m from more than3,500 screens in 39 markets for a $126.8m international cumulative total throughWBPI.
Opening estimates forRussia, Bulgaria and Serbia will become available on Monday.
The family picture continuedits remarkable run in the UK, adding $1.9m from 524 sites to rank second afterfive weekends on $58m. It is poised to overtake The Matrix Reloaded and become Warner Bros' fourth biggest grossingrelease any day now.
France added $1.9m from 621screens for $21.3m after seven weekends, Spain raised its total by $803,000from 309 for $4.2m after three, and Germany stands at $3.9m after the sameamount of time.
Buoyed by a strong UKlaunch, WBPI's The Dukes Of Hazzardopened solidly in its first major international weekend, grossing $4.6m frommore than 1,200 prints in five markets.
The television adaptationgrossed $3.1m including previews in the UK and was expected to rank number one.France launched on $545,500, Mexico opened on $413,000 from 208 screens, andSpain opened on $287,000 on 250.
Buena Vista International's Herbie: Fully Loaded grossed $5.5m over the weekend powered by a number two $1.4m debut in Italy. The international running total stands at $59m.
Sony Pictures ReleasingInternational (SPRI) reported that Bewitched grossed $5m from 1,670 prints in 29 territories toraise the international cumulative total to $22.1m.
The highlight was Japan,where the romantic comedy opened in third place on $1.6m from 314 screens. Byway of comparison the debut's Yen180m equivalent performed better than You'veGot Mail and Something's GottaGive, which opened on Yen150m andYen120m respectively.
Bewitched opened in third place in South Korea on $1m on 122,and added $1.2m on 404 after a 36% drop in the UK for $5.1m after two weekends.
Sony's local languageproduction, Two Children Of Francisco, stayed top in its second weekend in Brazil after a $1.2m haul throughSPRI raised the total to $2.9m.
Paramount's War Of TheWorlds added $5m powered by a strong$3.5m launch in China that included previews and elevated the internationalrunning total through UIP to $345m.
DreamWorks International's Madagascar grossed $3.9m through UIP from 3,228 venues for a$276.3m international cumulative total.
Key territories and totalsare Germany on $40.4m, the UK on $38.9m, France on $21.9m, and Japan on $14.7mthrough a non-UIP distributor.
Universal's Skeleton Key expanded into a further seven territories over theweekend and grossed an estimated $4.4m through UIP in 1,400 sites in 24territories for a $22.4m international running total.
The Southern Gothic mysteryopened in second place in Brazil on $500,000 from 156 sites and opened in SouthKorea on $240,000 from 80.
The picture stayed top inGermany on $1.1m from 292 sites and a 30% drop for $3.3m after two weekends.Australia ranks in second place and stands at $4.6m after three.
Land Of The Dead opened in limited release in Japan for a veryrespectable $700,000 from 137 sites and ranked seventh in Tokyo and the keycities.
The horror picture added $1mfrom 560 venues in 22 territories and to date has amassed $8.6m through UIP.The overall international running total including France, where it is releasedthrough Wild Bunch, stands at $10.5m.
Unleashed added $450,000 from 262 in its second weekend in theUK, where it is known as Danny The Dog. To date the action saga has taken $1.9m from the UK and ranks 11th.
Mr And Mrs Smith stayed top in Spain in its second weekend throughFox International, adding $2.4m on 465 screens for a $10m running total.Overall the action picture has taken $155.6m through the distributor.
Star Wars: Episode III added $1.3m in its eighth weekend in Japan for a$75m running total there and a $457.4m international cumulative total throughFox International.
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