Nick Cassavetes' romance The Notebook starring Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams will openthe 30th SeattleInternational Film Festival and Patrice Leconte'sromantic thriller Intimate Strangers starring Sandrine Bonnaire andFabrice Luchini closes the event, which runs from May 20-Jun 13 and boasts 10 world premieres.
All in all 224 features and 84 shorts from 58 countries will playat the event and titles include the director's cut of Richard Kelly's surrealromance Donnie Darko, Gregory Jacob's thriller Criminal starringJohn C Reilly, Diego Luna and Maggie Gyllenhaal and Xie Dong's relationshipdrama The Coldest Day starring Xu Yajun and Hu Jingfan.
Other screenings include Dominique de Rivaz's historical curio JaggedHarmonies starring Vadim Glowna and Jurgen Vogel, Zak Penn's IncidentAt Loch Ness in which Warner Herzog sets out to find the titular Scottishbeast, and the North American premiere of Mamoru Oshii's anime sequel GhostIn The Shell 2: Innocence.
Key events include The Seattle Summit, an industry and press onlyconference co-hosted by Screen International, a tribute to Patrice Leconte anda series of master classes including one by About Schmidt writersAlexander Payne and Jim Taylor.
"I'm very excited, coming back to the festival just thisyear, that we have programmed such a dynamic line-up from so manycountries," director of programming Carl Spence said in a statement.
"It continues our legacy as one of the most important venuesin North America to explore new talents and trends in film-making from aroundthe world."
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