DreamWorks' horror sequel TheRing Two dominated the NorthAmerican box office over the weekend, opening top on an estimated $36m.
Fox's animated champion of last weekend, Robots, fell to second place on $21.8m for a $66.9m runningtotal, while Buena Vista's family hit The Pacifier fell one to third on $12.5m and has grossed $72.3mafter three weekends.
The steady performance of The Pacifiers and Robots' early successdampened Buena Vista's debutant The Ice Princess, which opened in fourth on $7m.
The Aviator, released in NorthAmerica through Miramax, passed $100m in its 14th weekend and ranked14th, while Million Dollar Baby, which Warner Bros is handing domestically, reached $90m after the sameamount of time and fell two to eighth place.
In The Ring Two, Naomi Wattsreprises her role as the investigative reporter plagued by a deadly videotape. Ringudirector Hideo Nakato directed theEnglish language picture, which also stars Sissy Spacek and averaged a strong$10,804 on 3,332 screens.
The Ring opened top in October2002 on $15m and went on to gross $129m at the domestic box office. Horrorsequels tend to open well before dropping sharply in the second weekend and itremains to be seen if this one has the chops to muster $100m.
The Ice Princess stars MichelleTrachtenberg as an aspiring skating champion and averaged $2,804 on 2,501screens. Tim Fywell directed and Joan Cusack beefs up the cast as theyoungster's mother.
Next weekend's wide releases are: Warner Bros' comedy sequel MissCongeniality 2: Armed AndFabulous starring Sandra Bullock;and Sony's comedy Guess Whostarring Bernie Mac and Ashton Kutcher.
Estimated Top Ten US Mar 18-20 2005
Film (Distributor)/International distribution/Estimated weekend gross/Estimatedtotal to date
1 (-) The Ring Two (DreamWorks)UIP $36m
2 (1) Robots (Fox) FoxInternational $21.8m $66.9m
3 (2) The Pacifier (Buena Vista)BVI/Spyglass $12.5m $72.3m
4 (-) The Ice Princess (BuenaVista) BVI $7m
5 (5) Hitch (Sony) SPRI $6.6m$159.4m
6 (3) Be Cool (MGM) FoxInternational $5.8m $47.2m
7 (4) Hostage (Miramax) Syndicate$5.8m $19.3m
8 (6) Million Dollar Baby (WarnerBros) Lakeshore $4.1m $90m
9 (7) Diary Of A Mad Black Woman(Lions Gate) LGFI $2.5m $47.8m
10 (8) Constantine (Warner Bros)Warner Bros Intl $2.3m $70.4m
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