THINKFilm and TheUntold Story Of Emmett Louis Till director Keith Beauchamp will donate a portion of box officereceipts to Katrina relief efforts when the civil rights picture expands on Oct14.
Baton Rouge native Beauchamp's picture opened on Aug 14 atNew York's Film Forum and expands into Chicago, Washington DC, Atlanta,Memphis, and the boroughs of New York City.
The UntoldStory Of Emmett Louis Tillinvestigates the killing of a teenage cotton picker by two men in Mississippiin 1955 after he allegedly whistled at the wife of one of the men.
The ensuing trial exonerated the defendants and wasdeclared a sham by activists, sparking the civil rights movement in theSouthern states.
Beauchamp's10-year investigation into the case has uncovered potentially guilty partiesand delivers testimony from Till's late mother, who passed away in 2003.
As a result ofthese revelations the US Justice Department re-opened the case in May 2004.
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