THINKFilm has picked up worldwide rights to the Beastie Boysconcert documentary Awesome; I Fuckin' Shot That and plans a spring 2006 theatricalrelease.
Nathaniel Hornblower aka band member Adam Yauch directed thepicture, which features 50 difference audience perspectives from an October2004 concert in Madison Square Garden after the band handed out cameras to thecrowd. Yauch and Jon Doran produced.
"We have been pursuing this film aggressively since we firstread about it and think that Adam, Jon, and the rest of their team atOscilloscope Films are the equal of any filmmaking team we've worked with whenit comes to having a vision and realising it to its best and fullest potential,"THINKFilm president Jeff Sackman said.
"I'm glad that the film has found a home with THINK," Yauchadded. "Shit has been bubbling for a minute and now THINK is gonna light amatch."
Sackman,THINKFilm's US theatrical chief Mark Urman, senior vice president ofacquisitions and business affairs Randy Manis, and acquisitions vice presidentDaniel Katz negotiated the deal for THINK with Roger Arar and Ken Anderson ofLoeb & Loeb for the filmmakers.
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