THINKFilmInternational has reported brisk business on its Cannes slate, with multipleterritory deals concluded on such titles as The Farce Of The Penguins, Half-Nelson, and OffThe Black.
BobSaget's R-rated spoof nature documentary The Farce Of The Penguins closed in Japan (Movie-Eye), Germany (Constantin), France (Metropolitan),Brazil (ESR Films), Portugal (Prisvideo), Singapore (Shaw Renters), Israel (ADMatalon), Russia (Lizard Cinematrade), and Poland (Wilmot).
TheBeastie Boys live concert documentary Awesome; I Fuckin' Shot That! sold in Japan (Asmik-Ace Entertainment), the UK (Revolver Films),Australia and New Zealand (Hopscotch Films), Iceland (Myndform), France(Uncivilized World), the Czech Republic (Aero Films), Israel (Jasmine TV), andPoland (Wilmot).
SteveAnderson's documentary Fuck went toJapan (Xanadeux), Australia and New Zealand (Hopscotch Films), Portugal(Prisvideo), Russia (Lizard Cinematrade), Poland (Wilmot), and Greece (ArtFree).
RyanFleck's inner city drama Half Nelsonstarring Ryan Gosling closed in Portugal (Prisvideo), Iceland (Myndform),Middle East (Front Row), Romania and Bulgaria (New Films Turkiye), Greece (ArtFree), and Poland (Wilmot).
JamesPonsoldt's drama Off The Black withNick Nolte went to Brazil (Focus Filmes), Iceland (Myndform), Middle East(Front Row), Romania and Bulgaria (New Films Turkiye), Greece (Art Free),Poland (Wilmot), and Italy (Dujass Film).
PaulDinello's comedy Strangers With Candy soldin Australia (21st Century), Scandinavia, Iceland and the Balticstates (NonStop Entertainment), Brazil (ESR Films), Romania and Bulgaria (NewFilms Turkiye), Russia (Lizard Cinematrade), and Poland (Wilmot).
JeffMcQueen's slasher movie documentary Going To Pieces closed in Japan (Movie-Eye), Scandinavia (SmileEntertainment), and Portugal (Prisvideo).
"Wecontinue to see great value for our films internationally, especially as wecontinue to elevate our domestic reputation and product calibre,"THINKFilm International chief Randy Manis said in a statement.
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