THINKFilm has picked up worldwide rights to Fuck, Steve Anderson's documentary about theworld's most common expletive.
Fuckrecently premiered at the South By Southwest film festival and featuresinterviews with such luminaries as Ice-T, Kevin Smith and the late Hunter SThompson and features original animation by Bill Plympton.
THINKFilm plans a 2006 theatrical release and will eventuallybroadcast it in association with Showtime.
"While others seem to want to play it safe, THINK continuesto release films that don't fit a traditional mould," Anderson added."This word is at the very centre of the ongoing debate over free speech inour country and from the moment I began this project, I knew we had to find adistributor who would embrace the ideas and conflicts that this filmexplores."
Anderson produced through his Mudflap Films. Steven G Kaplan,Gregg L Daniel, Bruce Leiserowitz, Jory Weitz and Richard Ardi served asexecutive producers.
THINKFilm's vice president of acquisitions Daniel Katz negotiatedthe deal with ICM's Shaun Redick and Steve Kaplan of Rainstorm Entertainment onbehalf of the filmmakers.
The deal for the broadcast rights was negotiated by THINKFilm'ssenior vice president of acquisitions and business affairs Randy Manis andShowtime's vice president of acquisitions Larry Greenberg.
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