Danish animator Jannik Hastrup's latest feature-length animation, The Boy Who Wanted To Be A Bear (Drengen Der Ville Gore Det Umulige), has become the third Danish film to be confirmed for the Berlinale's Kinderfilmfest.

The film had its world premiere in France and Benelux on Dec 18 as L'enfant Qui Voulait Etre Un Ours, and it will be released domestically by Angel-Scanbox during the film festival in Berlin on Feb7. The film is Danish-French-Norwegian co-production between Hastrup and producer Marie Bro's Dansk Tegnefilm 2 ApS and Didier Brunner's Les Armateurs with AnimagicNet's Lars Tømmerbakke acting as associate producer.

Two other Danish features have previously announced their participation in the competition, they are Henrik Ruben Genz' Someone Like Hodder (En Som Hodder) and Pia Bovin's Wallah Be (Kald Mig Bare Aksel).