Producer Lauren Moews' Tonic Films has acquired Death Angel'sShadow, a collection ofthree short stories by fantasy author Karl Edward Wagner featuring the cultanti-hero character of Kane.
The deal was brokered by Moews for Tonic Films and by theIntellectual Property Group on behalf of the Pimlico Agency of New York.
Moews is planning a film based upon Reflections For The WinterOf My Soul, the first ofthree short stories that make up Death Angel's Shadow.
The other two short stories, Cold Light and Mirage, are awaiting adaptation in what couldbecome a franchise for Tonic Films, whose credits include last year's horrorhit Cabin Fever.
"The character of Kane is the embodiment of evil you cannot helpbut root for," Moews said in a statement. "Kane is the perfect anti-hero and DeathAngel's Shadow has allthe makings of an enormously successful horror franchise."
As a warrior immortal destined to fight all manner of eviladversaries, the character of Kane enjoys cult status more than 30 years afterWagner first introduced him in stories.
Tonic Films was formed in1999 by Moews and Dean Masserman and has a sales and distribution alliance withSusan Jackson, founder of Turtles Crossing and co-founder of Zenpix.
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