NewUK distributor Transmedia has acquired the rights to its first feature film,WWII drama The Aryan Couple.
JohnDaly, a veteran producer whose past credits include The Terminator, The LastEmperor and Platoon, co-wrote, directed, and produced the film.
Setin Occupied Hungary 1944, The Aryan Couple follows the wealthy Jewish Krauzenberg family who try to make a deal withHimmler to save themselves; and their young servant couple who might not be asAryan as they appear. The cast features Martin Landau, Judy Parfitt, KennyDoughty, and Caroline Carver.
Transmediais headed by CEO Simon Caplan. Sales agent AV Pictures negotiated the deal onbehalf of Film & Music Entertainment.
Thedeal covers all UK rights and also rights in Dublin, the Channel Islands,Gibraltar, and Malta. No UK release date has been set yet; Slowhand CinemaReleasing will release The Aryan Couple on October 28 in the US.
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