Despite a slew of new entries no impact was made against the one-twointernational punch of Troy and Van Helsing this week.
For the second week running the pair accounted for two thirds (67%) ofthe international market.
Troy added a further 11 territories to its count, including Japan, SouthKorea and Italy as well as expanding in the UK from a one screen platform to504 locations, putting it at 58 in total.
Troy's swift ten day $146.9m cumulative gross makes up somewhat for adisappointing North American performance. Wolfgang Petersen's epic tale shouldhave no problem passing $200m internationally but its ability to reach otherbenchmarks will depend on how it stands up to upcoming summer competitorsstarting with Roland Emmerich's The Day After Tomorrow this weekend.
Van Helsing added just Venezuela to its territory count this weekfor a 42 territory total. South Korea and Japan are among the territories stillto receive the film and with the Japanese release not scheduled until Septemberit will be some time before its true international success can be judged.
France, Thailand, Panama and French-speaking Switzerland received CannesJury President Quentin Tarantino's Kill Bill Vol. 2 boosting it backinto third place. The film has grossed $66m so far and, despite having a fewterritories left to open (including Spain, Russia and Brazil), it looks likefalling well short of Vol. 1's $110.8m international gross.
The highest new entry was German comedy Der Wixxer which sawstrong launches in Germany and Austria provide a $3.4m weekend and a top fiveinternational slot.
Accompanying its massive North American launch Shrek 2 received ainternational bow in five Asian territories.
Also making its international debut was the Coen Brothers' Cannescompetitor The Ladykillers, which launched in Spain and Japan.
Meanwhile another Cannes competitor, Walter Salles' The MotorcycleDiaries, saw a strong launch in Italy for Bim Distribuzione. The filmranked third and showed the second best screen average (after fellow opener Troy)of the week. Combined with the film's second weekend in Brazil, MotorcycleDiaries landed its first international top 30 position at 17.
Chart leadership should change hands next week as Fox's The Day AfterTomorrow launches in 100 territories on over 8,200 prints - globally exceptfor Japan and South Korea.
Forfull chart click here
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