Shooting is set to begin in May with a theatrical release set for January 2010. The story follows a woman who goes through the process of artificial insemination just as she meets the man of her dreams. Casting is underway for the male lead in the film which was written by Kate Angelo.
This will be Poul's feature directorial debut following a 20-year career in television and music, serving as executive director of the HBO hit Six Feet Under, director of episodes of HBO series Rome and Big Love as well as CBS' 1970s drama Swingtown.
'Alan's impressive body of work reflects his ability to depict relatable characters in unexpected circumstances,' CBS Films president and chief executive officer Amy Baer said. 'We think Alan's fresh vision is the perfect match to Kate's fresh voice.'
Todd Black, Jason Blumenthal and Steve Tisch will produce through their Escape Artists label.
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