Wim Wenders will head the jury that awards the Camera d'Or, the Cannes festival's prize for a best first film.
Open to films from any section of the festival (including Directors' Fortnight and Critics' Week) the prize is this time sought by a bumper crop of 20 first films.
Other jurors include Agnes Godard (cinematographer) Alain Champetier (technician), Bernard Uhlmann (described as a film buff), Christian Vincent (director), Claude Makovski (film buff), Geraldine d'Haen (jury secretary), Gian Luca Farinelli (film buff), Laurent Aknin (critic).
Films eligible for the Camera d'Or 2003
A Thousand Months dir: Faouzi Bensaidi
Al Ouyoune Al Jaffa dir: Narjiss Nejjar
Bags Banny E Il Cormorano dir: Edoardo Gabbriellini
Belleville Rendez Vous dir: Sylvain Chomet
Depuis Qu'Otar Est Parti dir: Julie Bertucceli
Des Plumes Dans La Tete dir: Thomas De Thier
Deux Anges dir: Mamad Haghigat
Elle Est Des Notres dir: Siegrid Alnoy
Entre Cyclones dir: Enrique Colina
Kiss Of Life dir: Emily Young
La Grande Seduction dir: Jean-Francois Pouliot
Las Horas Del Dia dir: Jaime Rosales
Les Lionceaux dir: Claire Doyon
Milwaukee, Minnesota dir: Allan Mindel
Pas De Repos Pour Les Braves dir: Alain Guiraudie
Qui A Tue Bambi' dir: Gilles Marchand
Reconstruction dir: Christoffer Boe
Struggle dir: Ruth Mader
Today And Tomorrow dir: Alejandro Chomski
Watermark dir: Georgina Willis
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