Newfeature films by Tom Tykwer and Claude Chabrol are among five projects backedwith a total of $1.35m (Euros 1.1m) by the German-French Funding Commission.
The body isadministered by the German Federal Film Board (FFA) and France's CNC to promoteco-production between the two countries.
Thelargest sum $317,000 (Euros 260,000) went to Tykwer's Perfume: The Story Of AMurderer which was one of two German majority co-productionssupported along with Christian Ditter's Echange which isbeing produced by Neos Film with Paris-based Hector Films.
The threeFrench majority co-productions backed in this round of funding were: CyrilGelblat's Cycles - Les Murs Porteurs (DelanteFilms/CMW Film Company); Djamshed Usmonov's Pour Aller Au Ciel,Il Faut Mourir (Elzevir Films/Pandora FilmProduktion); and Claude Chabrol's La Comedie Du Pouvoir (Aliceleo/IntegralFilm).
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