TwoUK animated shorts - Marc Craste's Jo Jo In The Stars and Daniel Greaves' LittleThings- are among the five finalists nominated for this year's Cartoon d'Or to beawarded at the Cartoon Forum co-production market (Sept 21-25) in Denmark'sKolding.
The other nominated films are: Gaelle Denis' CityParadise (France), Peter Kaboth's Falling (Germany) and Jonas Geirnaert's Flatlife (Belgium). The winner will be decided by a jurycomposed of Aardman Animations founder Peter Lord and directors Karsten Kiilerich(The Ugly Duckling) and PhilippeLeclerc (The Sun Queen).
The Cartoon Forum's 16th edition will have record numberof 248 potential investors attending the four-day event for the pitches of 67European animation series projects for television.
Morethan a fifth of the Forum's 750 participants will be coming from France,followed by the United Kingdom (140), Germany (110) and the host countryDenmark (100).
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