Produced by Smith and Rachel Wexler, the film follows renowned British brain surgeon Henry Marsh as he operates on life-threatening brain tumours in the Ukraine.
The Special Jury Prize for international documentary feature went to Israeli filmmaker Tamar Yarom for To See If I'm Smiling, a portrait of female Israeli soldiers. Bulgaria's Boris Bespodov won the inaugural HBO Documentary Films Emerging Artist Award for Corridor #8, 'an absurdly funny and fascinating portrait of a misguided infrastructure project in southeastern Europe.' Of the film, the jury said its decision was immediate and unanimous.
The Canadian feature jury selected Junior as the Best Canadian Feature Documentary. Directed by Isabelle Lavigne and Stephane Thibault, the film looks at the pressures facing young hockey players in small town Quebec. The Special Jury Prize went Nik Sheehan's Flicker, the story of pop culture icon Brion Gysin and his eponymous hypnotic dream machine.
Hot Docs announces its audiences prizes on Monday.
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