The London UKFilm Focus has announced the dates for its third sales showcase, to be heldJune 26-29.
The three-dayevent promotes British films to 150 international buyers. About 40 UK titlesare expected to screen at this year's showcase. Networking events will also beorganized.
In changes for2006, Film Focus will start earlier on Monday afternoon and run throughThursday lunchtime. Also, the event will host a special screening section forfilms that don't yet have sales companies attached.
"UK sales agentsunderstand more than ever the importance and benefit of screening at the LondonUK Film Focus and we expect next year to include an even wider selection ofpremieres," said Helena MacKenzie, head of International at Film London.
Last year'sshowcase generated about $1.5 million of business.
The event isorganized by Film London, the UK Film Council, Film Export UK (FEUK), and theLondon Development Agency through Creative London.
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