Film-makers Daryl Goodrichand Caroline Rowland of New Moon, an independent London-based commercialsproduction company, are celebrating after playing an important role in helpingsecure the 2012 Olympic Games for London.
New Moon was responsible twokey films used by the London campaign: the official star-studded 'MakeBritain Proud - London 2012' film and the film Inspiration, whichwas screened for the first time during the final selection process at the IOCCommittee presentation in Singapore today.
The films, produced anddirected Goodrich and Rowland, competed against those by Steven Spielberg,director of the New York film and Luc Besson, director of the Paris film.
Inspiration portrays children all around the world motivated bysport and touched by the London games as they appear on their TV screens.
Meanwhile, London filmagency Film London, also welcomed news that the Games were coming to London.
Adrian Wootton, CEO of FilmLondon said: "London will be in theinternational spotlight like never before over the next seven years and thisopens up unparalleled opportunities for all facets of the city to showcasethemselves to the world. Film London,with our partners, will be working closely with the 2012 team on a series ofnew film and media initiatives that will demonstrate London's energy andcreativity to the world."
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