The UK's Celador Films'Christian Colson and Ivana MacKinnon have commissioned first-timewriter-director Ben Gregor's script, Principles Of Calmness.
The deal, brokered byGregor's agent Jago Irwin at PFD, sees Gregor currently workshopping the firstdraft of his script before it goes to second draft and then into production.
Principles Of Calmness is a comedy about a stress management seminar thatgoes horribly wrong, Gregor is now testing dialogue with actors including MarkHeap, Raquel Cassidy and Susan Earl.
Gregor, a commercialsdirector, signed to Godman in London, has also had success with his shortfilms, Ant Muzac and Blake's Junction 7.
Written by collaborator TimPlester, who is also set to star in the feature, the two shorts have garneredmuch critical acclaim, with Ant Muzac appearing on Channel 4 and Blake'sJunction 7 set to be shown on the BBC.
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