Tom Kelly has been named Managing Director of World Cinema,the
Kelly was previously commercial director for Cinema Club andsales and marketing director for 20th Century Fox. He started thenew position on October 3.
He replaces Mike Flello, who hadbeen World Cinema's MD since its inception in 2001. Flellois now pursuing other interests in the home entertainment business.
"What World Cinemahas achieved in the past four years is nothing short of incredible," Kelly saidin a statement. "To come in and build on that success is an irresistiblechallenge particularly with the expanding demand from retailers and customersalike for quality independent titles."
In addition to Tartan and Artificial Eye, which jointly ownthe company, World Cinema also handles sales for other indiehome video products from Soda Pictures, TLA Releasing, and Parasol Peccadillo.Its forthcoming titles include Dig!, Summer Storm, Czech Dream, and The Consequences of Love.
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