The deal covers mystery noir The Perfect Sleep directed by Jeremy Alter and starring Roselyn Sanchez, and Craig Carlisle's romance Bob Funk starring Rachael Leigh Cook. Both films are scheduled to open in the spring.
Unified Pictures has also secured a home video distribution with Magnolia Home Entertainment for the same two titles.
The Perfect Sleep is set against the backdrop of a noirish dreamscape as a tortured man returns to the city he swore he would never return to in order to save the woman he has always loved yet can never have.
Bob Funk revolves around a man who gets fired from his job by his mother and quits drinking, goes to therapy and reports to a new boss whom he falls for.
'We could not be any more excited to see both Bob Funk and The Perfect Sleep achieve major releases through Cinema Epoch,' Kjarval said. 'Their ability to market and distribute films successfully within a platformed model makes them the perfect fit for both films.'
Unified's slate includes the horror film XII, the CG animated feature Noah's Ark and the Capraesque tale 55 Holly Star.
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