Seann William Scott, currently riding high following lastweekend's number one launch of The Dukes Of Hazzard, is being lined up to star in the comedy BookOf Leo for Universal Pictures.
The project is being put together by Marc PlattProductions and Scott and Graham Larson's Identity Films, which both have termdeals with the studio.
Platt, Scott andLarson will produce Joe Lovero's screenplay about a young man who undergoes aquarter-life crisis as his 30th birthday approaches.
Marc PlattProductions' Nicole Brown and Adam Siegel brought the speculative script to thestudio from managers Tariq Jalil and Ed Tapia, who will serve as executiveproducers.
Platt andUniversal are currently in development on Good Grief, The Power Of Duff and Scott Pilgrim's Precious LittleLife.
Platt's creditsinclude both Legally Blonde pictures, Honey, The Perfect Man and the Broadway musical Wicked.
Scott recentlywrapped New Line's Mr Woodcock and is set to begin work on Richard Kelly's Donnie Darko follow-Up, Southland Tales.
Identity is alsodeveloping The Untitled Camp Project and Gregoire Moulin for Universal, as well as The Optimist for New Line.
UniversalPictures' senior vice president of production Holly Bario and director ofdevelopment Kristin Lowe will oversee the project for the studio.
Scott, Larsonand Identity Films are represented by UTA and David Weber. Lovero isrepresented by manager Jalil and attorney Susan Schaefer.
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