Universal Studios and Mattel have signed a multi-picture,multi-year feature-length DVD worldwide marketing and distribution deal.
Universal will handle global marketing and distribution onupcoming instalments of the Barbie Entertainment franchise and will handle theworldwide release this autumn on PollyWorld, the first feature to be based onMattel's miniature Polly Pocket doll.
'An agreement of this magnitude perfectly combinesthe unparalleled brands of the world's largest toy manufacturer with thepremier marketing and distribution infrastructure of one of the world's mostsuccessful media companies,' Universal Studios president and chiefoperating officer Ron Meyer said.
'Given the breadth of Universal's film, television, homeentertainment and theme parks businesses, this alliance clearly presentscompelling opportunities to further expand upon this partnership acrossadditional platforms.'
'Mattel hasbeen very successful at producing original, quality family entertainment, andwe're confident that marrying the strength of our brands with Universal'smarketing and distribution muscle will create a powerhouse within the toy andentertainment industries,' Mattel Brands president Neil Friedman added.
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